Why do people blog?

Why Do People Blog?

Is it merely a chance to have an open conversation with the world in the same way you may have a chat with the entire load of customers in your local pub – always assuming you can find someone, anyone interested in discussing matters such as the whether one kind of something is better than another kind and its various implications.

Could it be that the internet allows writers to be creative in ways previously unheard of and for free?

Or, do we blog because we wish to influence a larger audience and perhaps convert them to our way of thinking?

Or, is it just a personal whim and we have no cares about who reads our posts, what they think of them or how many read them? Hand on heart, how many writers have no interest in viewing their blog statistics?  I digress – have you ever noticed how some people need to keep checking their mobile phones for messages when it has been in their hand for the last ten minutes and has neither vibrated or chimed, or even their emails (I am guilty of this) even though the icon quite clearly shows no new emails have arrived. There is a psychological kick about having someone contact you even though if it is at work it usually means you have yet another flippin’ job to do! At least I know I am wanted by someone. We care as to whether X or Y numbers of hits have been received concerning an post but, it’s in our DNA to judge and be judged as to whether what we are doing is good or not.

Or is blogging a way to just simply share our thoughts? We need to feel our thoughts, news or feelings or advice about something or someone is in someway important. That is perhaps one of the greatest reasons we above all other creatures developed language.

Do we yearn to be heard, to have a voice in a world where only those with power or money or celebrity are listened to?  Is blogging our own version of a recurring ‘15 minutes of fame’? Are we in fact at last able to star in a Big Brother show of our own making?

Or is it the  power to inform, educate, and even in some extreme cases to evangelise, that is the reason to be out there that is the draw?

I wonder does blogging also reflect our cultural background? Does the purpose and nature of blogging change with differing nationalities or regionalities? Are blogs in China or the Middle East really mostly focused around political activism while those of us in the West more interested in finding ourselves, an identity?

The answer cannot be any single reason but as usual is a combination or is it?


Making a difference

Why is it that we feel we want to be teachers. Plenty fall into this profession because they can’t be arsed to do anything else and the four years at college or Uni gets them out from under mum and dads feet and under the table at the student bar instead. Many more come to it because they can’t do anything else. Yet more actually do it because they are born to it and they want to.

Let’s face it teaching is a profession that everyone has had a hand in at some point in their lives. We weren’t little doctors or little lawyers when we were younger but all being students means we all have an ‘informed opinion’ about the profession. The fact we don’t help ourselves by seemingly taking on board any modish or populist methodology, or even get pushed and  pulled ad nauseum from pillar to post and governments don’t help.

I personally get a big, no… massive kick from really making a difference – albeit small and modest- in a kids life. I can only hope I might be remembered by my past students as warmly as those teachers who took the time to listen and bother with me and helped me get past myself.

Week 2

It has been a tough week since my initial posting. Work is crazy but that ain’t anything new. It just seems I have to move at a million miles an hour just to stand still…but things and me are starting to slip and that frustrates me…but I just can;t do everything as well as I would like to.


What does it mean “to know my identity”? I have some issues about being public as that is not me in my life and I do not have an alter ego online. How can you trust the ‘other’ you are talking with ?

Nice To Meet You

Hello everyone and welcome to my very first posting. I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the virtual world. If you feel brave or bored or merely curious then please stay with me and see how things progress.
